Augment actual areas with intelligent and autonomous 3D content
for superior training, education or entertainment.
Augmented reality apps are developed where users can perform missions in various operational settings, carry out mission goals, react to threats, learn and coordinate actions with other entities without any human supervision.
Actual areas are accurately 3D scanned, uploaded and managed through a growing community of “augmented area” providers.
Augmented reality apps are hosted and served to end users for live immersive, engaging experiences while behavioral data are collected for useful analytics/statistics upon the completion of such experiences.
Problem: Training for a variety of near-realistic scenarios (combined with expensive weaponry like tanks and aircrafts in a military example) involves high costs, long setup / preparations / arrangements, safety hazards, relocations to special training areas, and more.
Solution: Our development platform integrates advanced behavior models into immersive, on-the-spot training applications.
Problem: On-the-spot learning lies heavily on the imagination of students triggered by their teacher’s
words, causing low material absorption and ambiguities.
Solution: Our serious games focus in the
pedagogic experience and intelligent tutoring.
Problem: Areas with no touristic attractions or natural beauties need to find ways to pull consumers. Gamers stay seated in their rooms for long hours daily.
Solution: Our “play outdoors” gaming alternatives provide similar challenges and game-like experiences.
See some illustrated concepts
For more info, contact us!